Pilates Home Workout Series
10 Pilates mat based workouts you can do anywhere, anytime!!
Whether you’re a home body, away on holiday or just can’t find time to leave the house, get ready to workout with me anytime, anywhere!
Watch on iOS, Android, Apple TV, Roku, and Chromecast
Frequently Asked Questions
Why Did I Put These Workouts Together?
Because I wanted to HELP YOU do your Pilates workouts anytime, anywhere!
Get ready for convenient and time-saving Pilates Workouts!
Having spoken with many of my clients, they often say they get frustrated trying to workout at home because they just don’t know what to do or how to do it.
Being a mum of 2 little girls I know how hard it is to find time to fit in a workout, that’s why I wanted to share my passion for Pilates with you at home.
My Home Workout Series consists of 9 Pilates mat workout videos and 1 Stretch session video so that’s 10 workouts you can use to create the strong, fit and flexible body you know you DESERVE.
All the workouts are 15-20 mins in length so they’re perfect to fit in to your busy day.
7 out of the 10 workouts require no equipment and I’ve thrown in a few small props like hand weights, a theraband and a Pilates ball for those of you wanting to work a little harder or change it up in the other videos.
I’ve designed this workout series to cater for the beginner to the advanced with YOU, my clients in the forefront of my mind.
Exercise modifications and advancements are offered throughout the videos and you can take it all at your own pace.
Need a little more time for an exercise?
No worries, press PAUSE and take it.
Want to do the same video for a few weeks to really nail it? Go for it! I’ll support you all the way.

What Workout Should You Do?
If you’ve never done Pilates before or want to re-visit the basics try my PILATES BASICS workout. This the perfect workout if you’re just starting out or trying Pilates for the first time.
The rest of the workouts are a combination of upper and lower body strength training with different focuses in each video.
Want to work the whole body and get your sweat on? Try my PILATES BARRE workout (seriously, I’ve told a few of my clients but when I was filming this video, sweat was literally dripping off my nose!!).
Want to strengthen your core? Try my FULL BODY FLOW workout for a challenge.
Need more upper body strength? Try my STRENGTH WITH WEIGHTS workout and my THERABAND FUN WORKOUT.
Plus more!

What Are Your Goals?
I want you to feel stronger, more confident and energised!
Whether that looks like dancing it up on a Saturday night and not waking up in pain on Sunday (we’ve all been there!), playing with your kids or grand kids or going for a long hike.
My goal is NOT to get you looking like a supermodel (but toning and tightening up is always a great bonus!).
My goal is to get you to FEEL STRONGER, MOVE BETTER and REDUCE PAIN with Pilates.
So, join me on the mat and get ready to take your workouts to a new level!
Love and Pilates Always!